Implants Over Dentures

Are you tired of hiding your smile because of missing teeth? Dental issues can affect your oral health and also your self-esteem. Fortunately, there are solutions that go beyond dentures. While some may seek dentures, dental implants can give you natural-looking and longer-lasting teeth.

Dental Implants versus Dentures

The Basics

Before we dive into dental implants, let’s first understand the basics. Dental implants are titanium posts surgically inserted into the jawbone. They serve as the sturdy base for fake teeth. Dentures, on the other hand, are removable prosthetics that replace missing teeth.

Natural Look and Feel

One of the main reasons people opt for dental implants is the natural look and feel they provide. Unlike dentures, which can slip or click during speech and eating, dental implants securely anchor to your jawbone. This ensures a more natural smile compared to dentures, which are removable appliances that sit on top of the gums. As a result, you can enjoy your favorite foods without worry.

Long-Term Durability

The strength that dental implants provide outshines dentures. Dental implants consist of biocompatible titanium that fuses with the jawbone. This makes them a permanent and stable solution for missing teeth, and a wise investment in your oral health. Implants should also last a lifetime with proper care.

Dentures wear down and changes in the jawbone structure can make them not fit well over time. They typically last for 5 to 7 years before you need to replace them. Dentures, while effective, may require periodic adjustments and replacements, so this can lead to long-term costs.

Jawbone Health

Did you know that dental implants can help preserve jawbone health? When you lose a tooth, the underlying jawbone can deteriorate over time. Dental implant posts stimulate the bone to prevent bone loss and maintain your facial structure.

Unfortunately, dentures do not offer this benefit. Dentures sit on top of the gums and do not stimulate the jawbone in the same way as implants. Over time, the jawbone may start to deteriorate because of the lack of stimulation. In fact, dentures may lead to quicker jawbone shrinkage, changes in facial structure and a sunken appearance.

Comfort and Confidence

Dental implants provide enhanced comfort and confidence compared to dentures. Since implants fuse with the jawbone, there’s no risk of slippage or pain like with wearing dentures. You can speak, laugh, and eat without worrying about your teeth falling out with implants.

Improved Speech

One common concern with dentures is the impact on speech. Dentures can sometimes cause slurred speech or difficulty pronouncing certain words. Dental implants prevent these speech issues because they securely anchor into the jawbone. As a result, this allows you to speak clearly and confidently.

Easy Maintenance

Caring for dental implants is straightforward and similar to caring for natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are usually sufficient to keep implants in top condition. In contrast, dentures may require special cleaning solutions, adhesives, and occasional adjustments for the best look and feel.

The Result?

In the quest for a lasting and confident smile, dental implants seem like the superior choice over dentures. The natural look and feel, long-term durability, and jawbone preservation are major benefits. The comfort, improved speech, and easy maintenance make implants a wise investment in your oral health and overall well-being.

Choosing dental implants is not just about replacing missing teeth. Reclaim your smile and enjoying the quality of life with the confidence of a stable and natural-looking set of teeth. Call our dental implant specialists at 757-656-6368 to see if dental implants are right for you.