Aftercare Tips for Dental Implants

Getting a dental implant could help restore your bite and improve your smile. But if you don’t take care of it properly, it could cause further complications. It’s crucial to follow your dentist’s dental implant aftercare tips to ensure a quick healing time and effective treatment. Failure to maintain your implant could result in it falling out or causing pain and discomfort. Whether you have a single dental implant or multiple, you should follow the same aftercare routine.

Aftercare Tips for Dental Implants

Dental Implant Aftercare – The First 24 Hours

The first 24 hours after surgery for dental implants can be difficult. You’ll likely be under the effects of sedation for a while, so it’s best to have a trusted friend or family member present to watch over you. It’s natural to experience pain, discomfort, and slight bleeding after implant placement. You can often control bleeding by biting gently on the gauze provided by your dentist. You can take over-the-counter pain meds to help and use an ice pack to reduce swelling. However, be careful which pain meds you take. Blood thinners could affect the healing process of your implant. 


For the first day or two after surgery, it’s critical to watch what you eat. Patients should try to eat only soft foods and beverages. It can be a good idea to stock up on protein shakes and soups to help. Staying hydrated and fed can help encourage your body’s healing response. Setting an alarm every hour to remind you to drink some water or juice could help.

After the first couple of days, you should be able to resume fairly routine dietary habits. However, you should try to avoid foods that are particularly sticky or hard. These could cause your implant to loosen or suffer damage. If you do want to eat these foods, it’s best to cut them into smaller pieces and avoid chewing directly on the implant site.

Oral Hygiene

For the first 24 hours, you shouldn’t directly brush or floss around the implant site. It’s also crucial to avoid rinsing your mouth or spitting, as this could cause the implant to loosen before it can integrate into your jaw. 

After the first day has passed, you should resume brushing and flossing as normal. Using a soft-bristle brush is best to avoid damaging your implant. Some flavored toothpaste and floss could cause discomfort around the surgical site. It may be a good idea to switch to plain products while healing.

Implant Maintenance

After getting a dental implant, it’s important to discuss your new hygiene schedule with your dentist. Dental implants often require additional cleaning methods to help ensure they are strong and healthy. If you need help taking care of your dental implants, Coastal Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry is here to help. Call us today at 757-656-6368 to schedule an appointment and learn more about implant dentistry.