At Coastal Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry of Virginia Beach, we offer a unique dental implant technique called Teeth in a Day. You can go home with a new smile on the same day.
What are Teeth in a Day?
Teeth in a Day are a slight variation on the All-on-4 implant procedure and are the result of thorough treatment planning. Since each patient is different, we create a personalized treatment plan designed for their unique needs. We want to maximize the amount of healthy bone in the jaw so that the implants are as secure as possible.
In one day, we’ll remove any remaining teeth that are infected or damaged, After this, we’ll place 1-7 implants, depending on your condition. These implants take about 3-6 months to heal and fuse with your jawbone. You’ll need to be on a diet of soft foods for at least the first 2-3 months. However, this doesn’t mean you won’t have teeth for this period. You’ll be given a temporary bridge or denture that connects to the implants to wear out of the office that day.
Once this healing process is fully completed, a new set of impressions is taken so the final restoration can be made after changes have occurred in the shape of gums. the permanent restoration can be placed. The temporary dental bridge will be removed and replaced with a permanent bridge, denture, or dental crowns. With dental implants, you’ll have a sturdy restoration that you won’t have to worry about.
Can I Get Teeth in a Day?
If missing teeth are your only issue, it’s very likely that you can get Teeth in a Day. However, if there are more oral health issues that have developed over time, we’ll need to do an evaluation. Long-term tooth loss can lead to things like bone loss in the jawbone and crooked teeth. It will have to be determined if you have enough bone in your jaw to provide a stable base for the implant posts. Any diseases or infections will need to be cleared before oral surgery takes place.
As long as you meet these criteria, you’ll be able to get Teeth in a Day. In our Virginia Beach, VA dentist office, we provide free CT scans to take a look at the amount of bone in your jaw. This will help us determine if you need to address a lack of bone or soft tissue concerns prior to the placement of implants.
Dental Implants at Your Dentist in Virginia Beach
Coastal Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry of Virginia Beach is happy to offer this unique take on dental implants. Don’t wait for weeks to restore your smile after tooth loss. Call us today or request an appointment online to see if you’re eligible for Teeth in a Day!