Have you ever experienced a sour taste in your mouth after eating sweets? Dentists have been telling us that sugar is bad for our teeth for decades, but health information is always changing. One day you may read that something is bad for you and the next day it’s good it seems. But, could this also be true for sugar and its’ relationship to our teeth too? Unfortunately, Dr. Reichley must break the bad news to you: sugar really is as bad for your smile!
Sugar Damages Your Teeth
There’s a reason why dentists discourage excessive sugar intake: it destroys the enamel of your teeth. Every food we eat leaves a residue on our teeth which attracts naturally-occurring oral bacteria that want to feed on it. We call this residue plaque. You can only remove plaque that builds up throughout the day and night by brushing your teeth. Plaque will destroy the hard outer layer of the teeth, the enamel, causing tooth decay.
Sugar feeds this bacteria, allowing it to thrive in the mouth. While sugar itself is not the cause of tooth decay, it accelerates the oral bacteria’s ability to destroy your teeth by creating cavities and weakening enamel.
Sugar is in Most Foods Now
Almost every food has some kind of sugar, and many drinks have it as well. Even healthy, natural foods like fruits and vegetables contain sugar, but the primary cause of tooth decay in most Americans is the sugar hiding in almost every processed food for sale in your local store. Regardless of its’ source, sugar will still eventually lead to tooth decay. However, sugar is not the devil. It can make things taste good, but without moderation, it can be bad for your teeth.
How to Help Your Teeth
We know that completely removing sugar from your diet is impractical and would not be enjoyable — even dentists consume sugar! Changing the source of your sugar is a small but sold first step to making lasting change. You can do this by eating more fruits and vegetables instead of processed foods. This will significantly reduce the amount of sugar in your mouth, and improve your overall health while it helps your teeth.
Regular brushing and flossing is the simplest way to remove plaque from your teeth. This means brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing once a day, and attending regular appointments with Dr. Reichley. It is important to have regular dental exams.
Our dentist can help identify any underlying dental issues that may be causing the sour and bitter taste in your mouth after eating sweets. He will also be able to provide advice on how to prevent or reduce the occurrence of this symptom in the future. By understanding what is causing this symptom, you can take steps to ensure that your teeth and gums remain healthy and free from discomfort.
To keep plaque and tooth decay under control, call (757) 264-6361 or schedule a free consultation online at Coastal Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry.